Jen Oliver Hypnotherapy

In midlife, it's not too late!

Create a Successful Business You Love

This is a call to all the GenX women who are ready to leap into this next phase of life and share your wisdom. When you are doing something that lights you up and excites you - every day is a success!

If you have been spending most of your life doing what you thought you should do, the idea of doing what you love & being a success at it might seem crazy.

  • Learn to listen to your own intuition about what you want to do in your business & the best way for you to grow.

  • Even when you are afraid, take bold action by courageously moving forward despite the fear.

  • Let go of any societal stories about age & realize your wisdom is waiting to be shared.

It's natural to be nervous about doing something new

When you think about following your dreams it can feel scary sometimes

Many of my clients have said, at midlife, they felt they couldn't keep doing what they were doing any longer.

Their minds were like a child relentlessly tugging at a mom's sleeve to get their attention!

If you have felt that something new has been calling for your attention, now is the time to heed that call.

Be who you are meant to be. Do what you love.

Without Jen, I would not be in my business, where I am today because what really did not let me reach my goals was my subconscious, was my mind. Jen really helped me overcome my own limits so that I could leap into my genius.
Thank you Jen, without you, this all would not have been possible.

- Miriam Betancourt, Entreprenuer & Top Youtube strategist in Germany

Are you burnt out at your job? Maybe about to retire and not sure what comes next? Are you tired of taking care of everyone else? Does the stress eat away at your peace of mind & your health?

Maybe you've dreamed of doing something different but have no idea where to begin. It might sound nice to do what you love but you are too bogged down with everyone else's opinions to even know what that could be.

If you are tired of doing everything you've been told you should do… today is your lucky day, because this is your invitation to do what YOU want, now!

The funny thing about midlife - as we approach menopause - it’s like our bodies and minds are shouting, “You can’t keep doing that anymore! You have to make a change!”

  • You can’t keep ignoring your own needs for the sake of taking care of everyone and everything else. 

  • You don't have to keep pushing through and sacrificing yourself.

  • If you are ready to listen to your own needs & make the change, your subconscious is the most powerful tool to help you with that.

I started working with Jen when I came up against a major life decision that I was very unsure of. With a few reservations on the impacts of hypnotherapy, I decided I was willing to try, and Jen was my first call. She worked closely with me to uncover my subconscious thoughts and come to a clear decision. Since then, I have continued to work with Jen regularly to navigate through the roller coaster that is life, better support myself, and overcome challenges... Hypnotherapy has had a positive impact on my life, whether celebrating the good or working through the challenges, and I highly recommend Jen for anyone interested in exploring this journey.

- Nicole Hudson, Founder - Simply Hudson

About Jen

I'm Jen Oliver & I'm here to support you in using the power of your own subconscious mind to do what you love

As an iACT Certified Hypnotherapist, C.Ht. who has been transforming lives since 2017 with my skills in hypnotherapy, I am here to help you to use your own subconscious to make this journey through midlife easier than ever, as you create your business.

I have helped hundreds of people from around the world to successfully transform their limiting subconscious beliefs.

I have supported everyone, from small local business owners to multi-millionaire entrepreneurs break free from the shackles of fear & self-sabotage. Working together, my clients unlocked unprecedented levels of success proving that these hypnotherapy practices are a powerhouse for inspiring real change & growth.

I also practice what I preach!

I woke up days after turning 50 with fear gripping my heart. I didn’t know what was going on. I thought I was excited for this next decade. I thought I believed it is a gift to grow old. What I didn’t realize was hidden in my subconscious were those societal stories about getting “old”.

Quickly I did some self hypnosis. Black mylar balloons saying “Over the Hill” popped in.

Talk about subconscious programming - you see those at every party supply & craft store.

Then the words "you are invisible” crept into my mind.

No matter what I believed consciously about being young at heart my subconscious was automatically acting from this belief. It's no wonder I had such a hard time posting a REEL on Instagram! I wasn't being lazy, my subconscious beliefs were blocking me.

I had just started my business full time. I had quit working as a hypnotherapist for my mentor's company just a week before turning 50.

Hypnotherapy revealed I had a deep subconscious belief that I was “too old” and that I couldn’t do this business all on my own. Not at my age! How would I learn all the new technology? On and on the story went. On and on the fear crept in.

I’m happy to say I rewrote that story!

I have helped lots of other women rewrite the subconscious stories that were holding them back. Now my clients are moving through midlife with renewed passion to do what they love. I’m doing what I love and it would be an honor to support you to do what you love too.

“I care deeply about the success and wellbeing of my clients and am constantly rooting for them and sending them uplifting energy & support. I take pride in my ability to mirror compassion for my clients through my understanding, while also encouraging them to step outside their comfort zones and leap courageously after what they truly desire to create in their lives.”

- Jen Oliver


I learned to reframe my negative self talk.

I reached out to Jen when feelings of anxiety reached a boiling point. I was either angry, overwhelmed or emotionally drained on a consistent basis which was negatively impacting my professional and my personal relationships. After a very emotional consult, we determined I needed accessible, immediate “mental” tools that I could access anywhere and anytime my anxiety reached a tipping point. After the first session, we discovered the root emotions and were able to create mental tools to cope. Practicing the self hypnotherapy techniques, I learned to reframe my negative self talk. I learned techniques to identify anger & fear before it resulted in an anxiety attack. I have self care tools that I can access when I am stressed which has improved my quality of life and my professional relationships. Thank you Jen for putting me back in control of my life.

-Irene, Owner The Roastery Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

What You Receive Working with Me Privately

What I have received from Jen has been so much more than what I bargained for at the beginning, and I feel like I’ve seen so many more tangible results than what I would have expected.

- Molly Wogen, Owner of Costa Kids High Quality Child Care

Shine bright like a diamond

Using My timeless 4Cs Process


  • Release stress & overwhelm

  • Make better decisions from a relaxed state

  • Build confidence in yourself & the process


  • Identify what's holding you back

  • Release limiting beliefs & negative self talk

  • Let go of the past & self sabotage


  • Discover the secret to what you really love

  • Let go of other's opinions & what you "should" do

  • Be free to grow your business your way


  • Free from fears that were stopping you

  • Take aligned actions to move forward

  • Being a success every day focused on fulfilling your dreams

I’ve been there, I did it!

I’ve helped lots of women do it and you can too!

What is IT?


Imagine right now...yes, I’m talking to you! As you read these words really imagine what I’m saying.

Imagine you wake up in the morning and you feel relaxed, your mind is more calm than you can ever remember it being. There is a smile on your face naturally.

You begin your day and you feel so grateful. You are so excited - you know it’s going to be a good day because you are actually doing something you enjoy. Doing what you love could be a business or a volunteer project. The most important thing is you feel your life has meaning and you get to be the real you.

You see an old friend and she asks what you have been up to. You talk about what you love to do and how you are so excited each day. You tell her it’s been such a success. She comments how lit up you are, how you seem so alive. You realize you never believed you could do what you wanted to do. It feels so good, you don’t even feel guilty when you say "No, thank you" to family & friends who want you to spend your time and energy doing something else. You value what makes you happy and brings satisfaction & fulfillment to your life.

You feel lighter. You are more playful, it feels like being a kid again- playing dress up or creating an entirely different world out of a few cut up cardboard boxes. Remember that?

And the truth is, it is a totally different world. This is the world you create with the power of your own subconscious mind, because "to imagine it, is to Be it."

You are ready to be your true self. You have hung up the “self-sacrifice” cape. You are ready to be the hero, the star of your own movie. You fly forward through midlife, knowing the best years are yet to come.

If you choose, you can go back to doing what everyone else wants you to do. You can stay small and believe the outdated story that you are invisible & over the hill. OR you can make the choice to play a different game. One where you make the rules.

The game of life where you do what you love! You feel fulfilled & successful every day! You are being your true self here & now!

I felt so comfortable in this process, and continue to recommend this therapy, and Jen, to all friends, family and my clients. Hypnotherapy works on every level and any intention or goal that you have. My last session with her gave me complete peace, and trust in my life process, and it continues to be with me today…. you can not put a price on that. THANK YOU JEN!

- Jeanie Baker, Holistic Coach

My clients have created the greatest results when they consistently committed to their own dreams


Elite Accelerator

4 Sessions per Month for 1 Year

  • An entire year of Weekly subconscious support to do what you love

  • Daily support in creating sustainable results

  • Accelerate your momentum

  • Commit to investing in your future

Monthly payments of $959

Save over $1500 $2500* when you pay in full

*Limited Time Offer


Elite Standard

2 Sessions per Month for 1 Year

  • Focus on doing what you love

  • Create sustainable results

  • Take additional time to process between sessions

Monthly payments of $559

Save over $700

when you pay in full

Stand alone

Single Session

50 Minute Private Hypnotherapy Session

  • Focus on any topic of your choice

  • Create your subconscious solution

$350 /50 min


Working with Jen was an extremely empowering experience.

The stories I had created for myself were not only inaccurate but also not benefiting me. I kept getting pulled down the rabbit hole of negative thoughts and actions. Jen was able to help me bring things to light and then gave me tools and resources to keep my thoughts and actions positive and get rid of the negative internal voices that no longer served me.

-Kristie Mackenzie, Health & Wellness Coach

Invest in Your Future

Make the commitment to yourself to start today, exploring what you truly want to do for the second half of your life. Creating a long term solution. Now is the time to Do What You Love!

Bonuses For New Clients


Inspiration Content Creation

Receive one additional 90 minute Intensive to create content for your perfect customers & clients


Past Life Regression

Experience the transformation of one Past Life Regression session, using the past to powerfully heal your life today

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© 2023, Jen Oliver Hypnotherapy